Moot - meaning and definition. What is Moot
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What (who) is Moot - definition

Moot (disambiguation); Moots (disambiguation)

adj. 1) unsettled, open to argument or debatable, specifically about a legal question which has not been determined by any decision of any court. 2) an issue only of academic interest. See also: moot court moot point
¦ adjective subject to debate or dispute: a moot point.
¦ verb raise for discussion.
¦ noun
1. historical an assembly held for debate, especially in Anglo-Saxon and medieval times.
2. Law a mock judicial proceeding set up to examine a hypothetical case as an academic exercise.
OE mot 'assembly or meeting' and motian 'to converse', of Gmc origin; related to meet1.
I. v. a.
Debate, discuss, dispute, argue, agitate.
II. a.
See mooted



Moot may refer to:

  • Mootness, in American law: a point where further proceedings have lost practical significance; whereas in British law: the issue remains debatable
  • Moot court, an activity in many law schools where participants take part in simulated court proceedings
  • moot, the pseudonym for Christopher Poole (born c. 1988), founder of the anonymous imageboard
Pronunciation examples for Moot
1. will soon render all this moot.
Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection _ Jacob Silverman _ Talks at Google
2. All of that's a moot point.
Geopolitics - A Very Short Introduction _ Klaus Dodds _ Talks at Google
3. proved moot, because a few weeks later she contracted pneumonia
And How Are You, Dr. Sacks _ Lawrence Weschler _ Talks at Google
4. rendered moot as these also occur in cubes by definition.
2312 _ Kim Stanley Robinson _ Talks at Google
5. lymphedema would be a moot point if she doesn't survive.
Kathy Bates _ The Road to Curing Lymphedema _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Moot
1. A deal to resign would make Granholm‘s role moot.
2. It is moot to what extent Blairism will outlast Blair.
3. For the president, obviously, political ambition is moot.
4. This was no Harvard moot–court exercise, he said.
5. Whether the cash has improved the game remains moot.